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Yoga Nidra teaches us how to become relaxed consciously. The relaxation is not only physical but mental and emotional. When the relaxation is complete, the receptivity is better and our subconscious mind opens to the changes that with our conscious mind are very difficult to reach.


The practice of Yoga Nidra enables us to receive intuition from the unconscious mind: the big part of our hidden potential.


The process: first we start lying down on the floor, being conscious of our body and relaxing it, then we make SANKALPA.


Sankalpa means resolution. Resolutions can be of any kind, whatever we want to improve, change or develop in our lives. The better Sankalpa we can make is about our inner path and the unconscious level of our mind will show us the best answers.


After Sankalpa we continue training our minds with different processes in a completely calm state. Sometimes it is easy to fall sleep but the idea is to keep aware us of the voice of the instructor.


With the continuous practice of Yoga Nidra we can go beyond our body and mind revealing the true inner Self.


10 times -1500 kr ( valid for 3 months)

5 times - 750 kr (valid for 1 month)

Drop in: 200 kr

First time: 100 kr



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